Feature Tour

See what your week looks like. Assign lessons and manage substitutions and cancellations.
All is crystal clear with the shared timetable.

Watch a four-minute introduction to timetable and planners

A Bird's Eye View of Your Week

Get a clear picture of the week with the lesson timetable. Assign teachers, change times, print it and hang it to your message board for your staff to see.


Give access to your teachers

Teachers can log in, see their schedule, and track attendance. Configure what they can and cannot see with specific access roles and offload the office's tasks.


Cancel, Reschedule, and Amend Lessons

Create series of lessons in snap, and then amend them individually to handle cancellations, rescheduling and substitutions as you would do in Google Calendar or Outlook.


Everyone is always up to Date

With a centralised timetable everyone is always up to date. There are no excuses to miss a lesson! Cancellations and substitutions are clearly marked so that they cannot be ignored.
